Making your Cacao

Daily Dose

With a daily serving of Cacao Calling, you’ll be feeling more joy, presence, and connection throughout your day!

Daily dose 10-25g per serving

  • Weigh your cacao and mindfully chop, grate, or shave into small pieces.

  • Pour a cup full of spring water or plant-based milk into a pan and bring to a boil.

  • Remove from the heat and add your chopped cacao.

  • Whisk until your cacao has fully dissolved using a whisk or wooden spoon.

  • You will know when the cacao is ready once it starts to thicken, and you see the beautiful cacao butter rise to the top.

  • The longer and slower you take to cook up your cacao, the creamier it will be. You may wish to leave it on a very low simmer but never boil your cacao.

  • Pour into your favourite mug and enjoy the journey!

You may wish to add natural sweeteners, spices, or food-grade essential oils. Some examples are honey, date, agave, maple syrup, coconut sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cayenne pepper, and rose, orange, or peppermint oil. Be creative but keep it simple. You can also run your cacao through a blender for a more frothy finish.

For a quicker and easier method, you can break down your cacao in a blender and then add your warm liquid and desired natural sweeteners and/or spices, and oils and blend away! Feel free to also add your cacao into smoothies, porridge, on top of yogurts, or even stews!

If it is your first time trying Ceremonial Cacao, I would suggest starting with a lower dose and slowly working your way up. Please note that cacao can also serve as a diuretic, so always drink plenty of water. Hydration is key!

Ceremonial Dose

A ceremonial dose of Cacao Calling will help you connect with your heart and gently guide you through transformational consciousness shifts to hear your inner spirit and wisdom.

Ceremonial dose 42g per serving

Sitting in ceremony with cacao is really about taking time to connect with the spirit of this beautiful plant. Set your intentions and ask for guidance as you drink. Be present. Notice the smell and taste and the feelings you get as your cacao moves through your body. You may feel drawn to placing your hand on your heart. All feelings and emotions are welcome. Please go with your own flow. Honor this time to really tune inwards.

If you choose to use the full 42g of cacao for your ceremony, I recommend fasting 2-3 hours before drinking this dose and avoiding caffeine before and after. Please also refer to the contraindications below before you begin.

The ceremony starts with the preparation. Take some deep breaths, clear your mind, and bring your full attention to preparing your cacao and unlocking the full energetic benefits of this ritual.

While a cacao ceremony usually lasts at least anywhere between 2-4 hours, you can make it more accessible and fit it into your schedule by taking up to an hour’s pause out of your day and creating something like the one below.

Preparing your ceremonial cacao dose

  • Cleanse your space using sage, palo santo, cleansing sprays, or oils.

  • Create your space - You may wish to use candles, incense, dim lighting, flowers, crystals, photos, blankets, cushions, blankets, music, or simply just BE in silence with just yourself and your cacao. You may even feel drawn to go out and sit in nature. Find and do whatever feels right for you! I recommend having a journal and also a large glass of water at hand.

  • Weigh 42g of Ceremonial Cacao and mindfully chop, shave, or grate into small pieces.

  • Pour 200-250ml of spring water into a pan and bring to a boil.

  • Remove from the heat and add your chopped cacao.

  • Whisk until your cacao has fully dissolved using a whisk or wooden spoon.

  • You will know when the cacao is ready once it starts to thicken, and you see the beautiful cacao butter rise to the top. The longer and slower you take to cook up your cacao, the creamier it will be. You may wish to leave it on a very low simmer but never boil your cacao.

  • With a ceremonial dose, I prefer to work just with cacao and water as this makes me feel more connected to her spirit. However, at this stage, you may wish to add natural sweeteners, spices, or food-grade essential oils. Remember, every ingredient you add has its own journey so try not to over season your cacao drink.

  • Pour into your favourite mug and enjoy the journey!

  • Wrap two hands around your mug and bring her up to your heart and connect to the feeling of gratitude as you set your intention and ask for guidance.

  • Drink your cacao and be really present with how your cacao looks, smells, and tastes.

  • Allow about 20 minutes for the cacao to work within you.

  • Notice how you feel and what comes up for you. A mix of emotions may surface. Your cacao will always give you what you need at that moment be it tears, laughter, dance, rage, joy, or peace. Welcome them, be easy on yourself, and take your time.

  • You may feel drawn to refer to your journal and write down anything that comes up for you.

  • Close your space with love and gratitude for the guidance you have received.

If you need some extra guidance with holding your own cacao ceremony, please feel free to reach out to me. Alternatively, you can also find many cacao meditations, ceremonies, music, and guidance on Spotify and YouTube.


Ceremonial doses of Cacao are not recommended for somebody who is taking antidepressants (Cacao contains MAO inhibitors), has a serious heart condition, has very high blood pressure, or suffers from epilepsy. Please speak to your doctor if you consider taking ceremonial doses of Cacao in any of these cases. Raw Cacao contains Histamine. Pregnant women should take smaller amounts. Dogs and animals should not be given raw chocolate, as they lack the enzyme to metabolize theobromine (which can be fatal). It is advised not to frequently use a Cacao ceremonial dosage of (40-45g) as this can be heavy on the adrenals after a while. If you start to experience headaches or nausea, I suggest you lower your dose of cacao. For any of the above, please check with your doctor.

* Allergen advice: Grown on a farm that may contain nuts